BRITANICA Park School is a private language school that provides high-quality education to children from grades 1-12 in a healthy and eco-friendly environment. Their students learn in a well-balanced and engaging curriculum, which has been enhanced with global topics and projects. They encourage them to think critically, act creatively, and reflect on their learning.

BRITANICA Park School is also an IB World School and provides high school students with the opportunity to receive an international diploma.

What challenges did they face?

During the pandemic, they needed to find a solution that:

  • provides an easy and safe connection between students and teachers
  • reach students and continue teaching in special situations when they cannot attend in-person classes
  • keep track of every student’s progress

Why did they choose VEDAMO?


  • VEDAMO helps them to continue to inspire students to achieve their academic and professional goals.
  • VEDAMO gives an opportunity to transfer almost completely the teaching in a virtual environment and provides a lot of opportunities to connect students and teachers in a safe and fully-fledged environment.
  • VEDAMO virtual classrooms help maintain a high level of teaching by providing many options for student-student and teacher-student interactions.
  • The platform allows teachers to have quick and easy access to learners and gives a variety of interactive tools that keep learners focused and engaged – media player, online whiteboard, screen-sharing, etc.

What are the key benefits of using VEDAMO Virtual Classroom for BRITANICA Park School?


  • VEDAMO allows for providing students with a quality learning experience that is very close to an actual, in-person class.
  • The platform is user-friendly and exceptionally convenient for both our teachers and students.
  • VEDAMO also provides excellent customer care and technical support.
  • Our students can easily attend their classes without losing the benefits of in-person communication.
  • VEDAMO helps provide students with a safe, convenient and interactive environment in which they can learn effectively.

Virtual Classroom Success Story of BRITANICA Park School

VEDAMO Virtual Classroom
For the past nine years we have been providing a platform purpose-built for education.