Would You Like to Know How You Can Use Canvas with Vedamo? Find out Below.

Use the following steps to integrate VEDAMO Virtual Classroom with a Canvas course:

  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Select a course that will use VEDAMO Virtual Classroom.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select the Apps tab.
  5. Click on +Apps button.
  6. In the Filter by Name field type “VEDAMO.”
  7. Click on the +Add App button below the VEDAMO logo.

      8. In the modal window:

  • Name field – this should say VEDAMO Virtual Classroom.
  • Consumer Key field – enter the Consumer Key.
  • Shared Secret field – enter the Shared Secret.

    9. Click on Add App to add the app to the course.

Add app canvas integration
Add App window


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