Getting VEDAMO’s Integration Credentials

  1. Log in at If you do not already have a Vedamo account, you can create one here and get a free 30-day trial or purchase the Premium plan here.
  2. Select the Integrations menu.
  3. Select Moodle. This will take you to the Integration with Moodle page.
  4. Click on the Enable LTI integration button.
  5. This will generate a table with three rows: Consumer Key, Shared Secret, and Launch URL. You will need them to integrate VEDAMO Virtual Classroom with Moodle.

Integrate with Moodle

The integration is usually performed by a Moodle Administrator. Please contact your Moodle Administrator to continue with the setup.

Use the steps below to integrate Vedamo Virtual Classroom within the Moodle system:

  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. Select Site Administration.
  3. Select Plugin.
  4. Select the Activity Modules section.
  5. Click on LTI.
  6. Click on Manage External Tool Types.
  7. Click on Add External Tool Configuration.
  8. In the next window:
    • Tool Name field – enter Vedamo Virtual Classroom.
    • Tool Base URL field – enter the Config URL from the preceding table.
    • Consumer key field – enter the Consumer key from the table above
    • Shared Secret field – enter the Shared Secret from the preceding table (your administrator can contact Vedamo.
    • Do NOT forget to mark Show Pool Type When Creating Tool Instances.
    • From the Default Launch Container dropdown menu, select Embed.
    • Click on Save Changes to add the app to the system.

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