Behind The Scenes Of Successful Ad Copy: How To Use Words To Sell Your Online Training

Your virtual classroom needs something more than expertise. It needs conversions. If you have already visually branded the content, it’s now time to promote it. You can reach more potential online students by using an appropriate choice of words. By using the tips below you can easily turn your ad copy into an online training success.

The first steps in copywriting

No, we didn’t misspell it. Unlike the word copyright, which has a totally different meaning, copywriting is the art of creating the text of an advertisement. In ad language, the body of the text is called copy. Therefore, in order to sell your online course, you have to find the copywriter within yourself.

Advertising has two main characteristics: persuasion and impact. Therefore, your copy needs to contain a little bit of both. To create copy that works you need to be aware of what people want. Focus on some of the basic human needs (Maslow). Needs that are lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs that are higher up. Moving from the bottom to the top, the needs of the hierarchy are as follows: physiological, safety, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

Consequently, think about what you are offering and which of your audience’s needs you are satisfying with your product.

Pay attention to the context of your ad

Before you get too creative, think about the following questions:

  • What kind of ad will you create? Will it be printed in some type of hardcopy format or will it be strictly digital?. Hardcopy ads are quite different from TV or radio ads, for example. Therefore, be sure about the medium that you end up using.
  • When will you run your ad? Mind the timing of your ad, as well as other relevant events that are occurring during your online training promo. For example, you don’t want to promote a vibrant summer promotion in the middle of Christmas season.
  • Where will it be published? As with the type of the ad, it is important to know where your audience will see it with maybe you are targeting Millennials and their channel is Instagram or Snapchat, or maybe your audience is older and more conservative and prefers to read the newspaper. Thus, it is important that you write and design your ad accordingly so as to address as many of these factors as possible.

What is CTA?

A call to action is just what it sounds like. It is a short text that drives the user to take a certain kind of action. Call to actions (aka CTAs) are compulsory elements of every print or web ad, internet page, banner, etc. You can include your CTA message in the copy itself, or you can place it as a button on your landing page.

The main goal of advertising is to make people act. So be aware of what you want your audience to do. You don’t want them to read too much and you definitely don’t want them to argue with you. Ideally, you will lead them in your own journey. Most of all, your message needs a clear CTA, whether it will be to learn more info, to leave their email address, or to subscribe..

Trigger words and how to use them

Good headings will lead your clients to the end of the buyer’s journey. If you use a heading that speaks to your audience, they will be more interested and will continue reading. Basically, there are two things you need to achieve with your copy – to capture their interest and to motivate your readers to continue. Additionally, people read the large type first, just as they do when they scan the headlines of a newspaper, instead of reading each article. Here are some proven words to include in your heading that will help you start selling your online training:

  • FREE
  • NEW
  • NOW
  • THIS
  • HOW TO
  • LOOK

Tips for your next copy

  1. Make it simple and clear.

    The more clearly you transmit your message, the more people it will reach. So be upfront and ask people to purchase or sign up for your course. That’s the idea, right? Be witty but not too smart. People love humor, but don’t get carried away.

  2. Make graphic design your friend

    You can use headers to break up different sections in your sales page. Make sure your message is clearly communicated. Use white space and don’t be afraid to play with colors and sizes. Additionally, if you are still not sure about the design, create a poll or an AB test. And don’t forget the images!

  3. Be a storyteller

    By painting a striking picture of who can benefit from your service, people will easily identify with your target audience. Furthermore, go on and tell your own story. Also, share your experience and with be open and honest. Tell your future online student which problems your online training will solve. Additionally, engage them emotionally. Soon you will see them in the virtual classroom.

  4. Make it urgent

    People love to be exclusive. Also, they love to win. So if your online training promo has ONLY 2 available places left, you can bet that they will sign up.

  5. Suggest value

    You cannot make a sale if people don’t trust you. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is how to earn people’s trust online. Although it is not an easy task, you can start by adding testimonials. You can also explain why the price is high, provide a voucher for special clients, or even offer a free e-book or test.

  6. Make it easy to buy

    Other than having a clear message and CTA, there are other ways to boost sales. You can, include your phone number or address or tell them how easy it is to buy in just one click. Also, think of different ways to accept orders – via mail, phone, fax, etc. Additionally, include all possible payment options.

  7. Be there for your clients

    Your people are at your door so don’t make them wait for you for too long. Once you have made your clients call or subscribe – follow up. Be there for them. Moreover, be active and show that you care.


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Tanya Ilieva has strong experience in journalism, advertising, creative copywriting and digital marketing. She has a PhD in Graphic design from Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Some of her creative works in advertising has been rewarded both in Bulgaria and abroad. Her fields of interest include: philosophy of language, semiotics, visual metaphors, linguistic.
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For the past nine years we have been providing a platform purpose-built for education.
VEDAMO Virtual Classroom
For the past nine years we have been providing a platform purpose-built for education.