Virtual Classroom File Library

The Virtual Classroom File Library allows you to upload files in order to use them in the virtual classroom during the lesson and prepare templates. You can also make uploaded files available for your students as lesson materials.


The File library menu allows you to create folders for better organization of your files or upload them to the main directory.

You can also select multiple files and drag and drop them in the window. Depending on the file size, the upload may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Use the Upload New File button or Drag and Drop files to upload files in the Virtual Classroom File Library
Virtual Classroom File Library: Use the Upload New File button or Drag and Drop files to upload your files

In the bottom right corner of your screen, you will see a bar. It shows you how much of your available space is currently in use.

Virtual Classroom File Library: The bottom of the page contains info regarding your plan's storage space
Virtual Classroom File Library: The bottom of the page contains info regarding your storage space

Once you uploaded, you have the option to search, sort, move, or delete one, multiple, or all files.

Virtual Classroom File Library: You can filter out files by different Name, Date, Size, and Type
Virtual Classroom File Library: You can filter out files by Name, Date, Size, and Type

You can download files previously uploaded. Furthermore, you can see the additional options DELETE and MOVE that are available only when you have selected one or more files.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Deleting a file will prompt you to confirm your action
Virtual Classroom File Library: Deleting a file will prompt you to confirm your action

If you choose to delete files, a new window will prompt you to confirm the action. Deleted files cannot be retrieved from the library.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Delete confirmation prompt
Virtual Classroom File Library: Delete confirmation prompt

Settings also have a pop-up window, where you can see your permissions, as well as public ones. You can change public permissions and see what your permissions for the file are.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Each file has various accompanying permissions
Virtual Classroom File Library: Each file has accompanying permissions

The upper drop-down menu will you to sort your own files (by default) and files that have been uploaded by all academy users – by clicking on the “Show the files of”. As an Administrator, you have the option of managing all files that have been uploaded.

Virtual Classroom File Library: As an Administrator you can manage and administer user's files
Virtual Classroom File Library: As an Administrator you can manage all user’s files


The Sessions archives tab is where the recordings of the previous sessions are stored. You have the option of reviewing the archives of sessions that you have created or all sessions if you hold the Admin role.

Virtual Classroom File Library: The Room Archives tab consists of all of your previous sessions recordings
Virtual Classroom File Library: The Room Archives tab consists of all of your past session recordings

Below the File Library is the Session templates section, where all of the created templates in the academy can be found.

Bear in mind that editing a template will create a new session, specifically for that purpose, since any additional materials need to be uploaded via the virtual classroom and then saved as a template.

Virtual Classroom File Library: The Session templates tab consists of all of your previously created templates and materials
Virtual Classroom File Library: The Session templates tab consists of all of your previously created templates and materials

Upload box

The Creator of the room can upload all or some of the files and materials you need at any time so: Participants can upload and download the uploaded files only if they have the corresponding permissions.

  • Tutors can upload them to the Whiteboard;
  • Other participants can download them;
  • Tutors can play them through the media player (media files only).

A short video on how to upload files in the virtual classroom:

Virtual Classroom File Library: You can also drag and drop supported files directly on the whiteboard
Virtual Classroom File Library: You can also drag and drop supported files directly on the whiteboard. Open the Session upload box to select and import them

Upload files from your computer

To upload your files either click on the (Select files) button or select the files from your computer and drag them into the Upload box.

You can upload all popular file formats and sizes. The larger the file the longer it will take to upload. The time needed to convert and upload your desired file depends on its size and type.


Virtual Classroom File Library: Files will also be stored in the File library
Virtual Classroom File Library: Once the files have been uploaded from your computer they will be stored in your File library as well

Upload files from the file library

When subscribed to the Premium Virtual plans you can upload files in advance to use them as a resource when you open a new Virtual Classroom. In order to upload and have files ready to use as pre-made materials, go to ‘File Library’ after you log into your account.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Location of the File library in the menu
Virtual Classroom File Library: Location of the File library in the menu

You will see this menu:

Virtual Classroom File Library: You can view the files from the File library
Virtual Classroom File Library: You can view the files that have already been uploaded to your library

Select ‘’Upload new file” and upload the file you wish to use. A new window will open.

Upload New File

You will see the newly uploaded file on the list and it will take a short period of time for it to be converted and ready for use in the Virtual Classroom.

Virtual Classroom File Library: File library - select file to upload
Virtual Classroom File Library: Select а file in order to upload it in the File library

While in the Virtual Classroom, select the “File Library” button.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Location of the File Library button in the Virtual classroom
Virtual Classroom File Library: Location of the File Library button in the Virtual classroom

A new window will open with the possibility to upload your desired file from the file library.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Press load from the file library
Virtual Classroom File Library: Press load from the file library

Then you can choose your desired file from the list:

Virtual Classroom File Library: Selecting files from the File Library and adding them to the session files list
Virtual Classroom File Library: Selecting files from the File Library and adding them to the session files list

When you click the “Load to Session Files” the files are uploaded to the file library where you can choose what to do with them.

You can also preview the files from the “Preview” button:

Virtual Classroom File Library: File preview option
Virtual Classroom File Library: File preview option

By clicking the “Add” option the item will be automatically imported onto the whiteboard or in the media player depending on the type of the file.

Virtual Classroom File Library: When the Add button is pressed the files will go directly to the Whiteboard or the Media Player
Virtual Classroom File Library: When the Add button is pressed the files will go directly to the Whiteboard or the Media Player

Import files

This opens a new dialog window where you can choose what pages to import and how. In order to import your files on the whiteboard press the ‘Add to Whiteboard’ button in the Session files window.

Virtual Classroom File Library: When your files appear in the Uploaded files box, click the Add to Whiteboard button in order to import them on the whiteboard
Virtual Classroom File Library: When your files appear in the Uploaded files box, click the Add to Whiteboard button in order to import them on the whiteboard

This opens a new dialog window where you can choose what pages to import and how. In order to import your files on the whiteboard press the ‘Add to Whiteboard’ button in the Uploaded files window.

Distribute in pages – This will place the selected pages from your document in separate pages on the whiteboard. Otherwise, this will put all the selected pages on the first whiteboard page.

On a new page – This will import the new pages at the end, creating new pages after the last.

Fit to work area – Tries to fit the content as best as possible based on the device used.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Different options to import files with multiple pages
Virtual Classroom File Library: Different options to import files with multiple pages

Only supported files can be imported.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Only supported files can be converted
Virtual Classroom File Library: Only supported files can be converted

(Deny) This icon shows that either the file type is not supported or you do not have permission to import it.

NOTE: Only session creators, Administrators, and Presenters can import files (if they have permission to Write on the whiteboard)

List of supported file formats:

‘png’,’webp’,’bib’,’bmp’,’csv’,’dbf’,’dif’,’doc’,’docx’,’emf’,’eps’,’fodg’,’fodp’,’fods’,’fodt’,’gif’,’jpg’,’ltx’,’met’,’odd’,’odg’,’odp’,’ods’,’odt’,’otg’,’otp’,’ots’,’ott’,’pbm’,’pct’,’pdb’,’pdf’,’pgm’,’png’,’pot’,’potm’,’ppm’,’pps’,’ppt’,’pptx’,’psw’,’pwp’,’pxl’,’ras’,’rtf’,’sda’,’sdc’,’sdd’,’sdw’,’slk’,’stc’,’std’,’sti’,’stw’,’svg’,’svm’,’swf’,’sxc’,’sxd’,’sxi’,’sxw’,’tiff’,’txt’,’uop’,’uos’,’uot’,’vor’,’wmf’,’wps’,’xhtml’,’xls’,’xlsx’,’xlt’,’xml’,’xpm’,’pdf’,’mp3′, ‘ogg’, ‘m4a’, ‘flac’, ‘wav’,’mp4′, ‘avi’, ‘vob’, ‘mkv’, ‘webm’, ‘ogv’, ‘flv’, ‘wmv’, ‘bmp’, ‘gif’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’

Virtual Classroom File Library: You can delete a file if you no longer need it
Virtual Classroom File Library: You can delete a file if you no longer need it

Note: Bear in mind that if you delete a file, which is part of a Template, the file will be deleted in the Template as well.

A confirmation message appears:


Virtual Classroom File Library: Click Yes to delete the file or No to keep it
Virtual Classroom File Library: Click Yes to permanently delete the file

Virtual Classroom File Library: Click Yes to delete the file or No to keep it

Download Files

All participants can download the files if they have permission to Download files. Find the file you need and click on the download button.

NOTE: If you do not see this button you actually do not have permission to download the file.

Virtual Classroom File Library: You and your students (if given permission) can download every file which has been uploaded in the Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classroom File Library: You and your students (if given permission) can download every file which has been uploaded

If you want to see the File Information press the “File info” button.

Virtual Classroom File Library: Check the file info to see the information associated with the file itself
Virtual Classroom File Library: Check the file info to see the information associated with the file

You can also upload files directly from Google Drive:

Virtual Classroom File Library: You can add files from your Google Drive
Virtual Classroom File Library: You can add files from your Google Drive

Note: You need to connect to Google Drive










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