If you are having difficulties turning your camera or microphone on and the camera or microphone icons look like this it means that your camera or microphone are blocked. To enable your camera or microphone follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the “Search” icon located in the bottom left corner of your screen and type Settings.
  2. Open Windows settings.
  3. Then locate and open “Privacy settings”.
  4. Finally, in the camera/microphone section scroll down until you see “Allow desktop apps to access your camera/microphone” and enable it.
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Windows 10 search menu
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Windows 10 search menu
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Privacy tab
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Privacy tab


Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Camera toggle
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Camera toggle
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Microphone toggle
Blocked camera and microphone from Windows 10 OS: Microphone toggle

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